Thursday, July 31, 2008

Homeschooling Makes Parents Smarter

Everyone has heard the stories of how homeschool kids are really smart. They are winning competitions right and left. They do amazing things in their spare time to save the world. Let's face it they're a great group of kids! After all, isn't that why we homeschool?

But I think we have left out a very important and unexpected benefit of homeschooling. Homeschooling makes parents smarter too!

Just to name a few things, I know more about history now then I ever learned in school. I am writing more now in different genres, for different purposes and with a much larger reader audience then ever before. My math skills are at an all time high, and they are nothing compared to Mrs. Hannigan's. (The math involved in those coupon deals scares me!)

I recently started a home based business. This was directly linked to homeschooling. As in, I didn't want to have to send my girls to school so I could go back to work teaching, but my income as a teacher is being missed. Something about $4.39 for a gallon of gas + 1 '96 Chevy Suburban.

I had the great idea of linking my business to my blog. A new and separate blog but using a tradition web page, like a store front tying the blogs together. In order to do this great idea, I needed to change from Blogger to Wordpress. No problem. They are both free and Wordpress can't be that much more difficult right? After all, the really cool blogs are on Wordpress. So I started to work with wordpress. If I could just be happy with a premade run of the mill template, I'd have no problem. But...I couldn't. Part of the beauty of being a blogger is creating your own look. It goes with your own voice. After all, even if we all claim we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, it's the first thing we all look at!

Sooooo I finally broke down and got Wordpress for Dummies. I can learn to do this no problem. I have a college degree. I am an intelligent resourceful woman (you can stop laughing any time now) I must say, I do think the book was great. It pointed out all my computer deficits. I had to go back to the book store and get Head First HTML, XHTML, and CSS.

Um, yeah, that means I am now teaching myself how to write HTML. Which is why I haven't been posting. The time I would normally be spending writing has been spent building my soon to be released new website. Which is really, really, bad for keeping my blog interesting and worth coming back to.

That isn't even taking in to account the new things I am learning about my new business! (More on that to come! I promise!) I haven't pulled hours like this since I was in college. Actually, college was much, much, easier!!!

So thanks to homeschooling I can now add that I am a small business owner, a freelance writer, and soon to be webpage developer!


Me said...

Glad you're back. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the business. Keep us posted.

Mrs. Pevensie said...

I just KNEW I was smarter now! I'm not sure it has to do with our homeschooling. My kids do so much learning on their own...maybe I can get them to teach me?!