Monday, June 2, 2008

Shall We Start a New Movement?

I was deeply impressed by this post that Sage Mommy wrote about Feminism. I think she hits on some very important issues, not just with feminism but with our recent election in general.

I believe very strongly in equality. I believe in equal pay for equal work. I believe that women are as intellectually capable as men. I also believe that staying home and educating my children is not something I should have to apologise for.

A woman who plans nutritional meals, cleans, chauffeurs, and decorates her home for the enjoyment and nurture of her family is doing no less work, with no less value then a woman who puts her child in daycare to pursue another career. A woman who chooses not to have children has no less value then a woman who has fifteen.

I will only be 48 years old when Amy graduates. Even if I stay home during these early years I will still have 28 years to devote to a career. I can't even think of anything I want to spend 28 years doing right now.

When will we as women begin to value one another for what we are doing rather then being intimidated by what others are doing? When will we stop the mommy wars and encourage and support each other where we are at this phase in our life? Why does it have to be all or nothing?

I am proud that my daughters have had the privilege of seeing a woman in the running for the presidency. I am proud that they have seen a black man in the running for the presidency. I just wish that they could see more then a diet coke vrs diet Pepsi debate. Let's face it, if you turn off the T.V. and only listen to the voices green tea or whisky just aren't an option. When will we have a voice that represents more then a party line?

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