Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How to Raise a Hen

One of the writing activities that we do each day is journaling. The March girls all have their own notebooks to write in. There are very few rules. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are not evaluated in their journals. This is a time to just put thoughts on paper. In the early stages the books are mostly full of pictures. Actually, some of the books are just scribbles. The girls were about two when they got their first journals. Sometimes I would scribe their thoughts for them. A lot of these first journals are just list of words. They eventually became stories over time. Anyway, Jo wrote this piece about how to raise a hen before she got the egg she carried around for a month and a good six weeks before Omelet, Frittata, and Souffle came to live with is. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do!

How to Raise a Hen

by Jo March

First you take one egg from a hen. Next you heat the egg but do not cook it. Next you wait for a few days. Next you will have a chicken. Next you take care of the chick. Next you feed it. Next you water it. Next you keep it warm. If your hen is a boy you will use it as an alarm clock. If it is a girl you will have more pets to take care of. So keep your chick healthy and happy. Keep it away from cats and killer dogs and mouse traps. Make sure the chick is safe and warm and healthy and happy. When it is big enough to leave the house or go on a walk or live in the barn you could visit your hen. I hope you take care of your pet.

1 comment:

Emily the Great and Terrible said...

I LOVE the Little Women theme. How sweet--it's one of my favorite books to this day.