Monday, April 14, 2008

Ok Mrs. Hannigan, I'm Blogging!

When my dear friend Mrs. Hannigan blogged about my one and only blog post I was forced to create a whole new blog to respond. My other blogs are a work in progress and I am enough of a perfectionist that they may not ever get published. So this is my random thought get it done blog.

There! Now I have two blogs written even if they are on two different blog spots.

So to meet the cast.

I'm Mrs. March. I've been a homeschool mom for six years if you only count the "school age" years or for ten years if you believe that homeschooling starts at birth. I love to read and like to think that I can write but in truth it is much easier to read someone else's works then to come up with your own. I am also very involved with our local homeschool group. My version of Mrs. March's charitable works. This brings a lot of characters through my life and I'm sure that I will share the best of them that I can.

Meg, my oldest, is ten right now but will be eleven this May. She loves to read and hates to write. Her mathematical skills passed mine when she was eight. She is only 1/2 an inch from passing me in height. Her current love is drama.

Jo, true to her namesake is all tomboy. She is the fire cracker that the family tends to revolve around. Her great love is the wii. (Not my fault, I didn't buy it!) Nothing comes easily for Jo, she has had to struggle for every achievement she has ever made.

Beth, is the queen of girly girls. She loves ballet as well as tap and jazz. She wears princess pink as often as she can. Everything comes easily to Beth.

Amy is the golden haired baby of the bunch. She is as far from her namesake as can be! She has no fear. She is always in the middle of any upsets.

Mr. March goes off to war every day. After a difficult time in the trenches, he goes to the local recruitment center and trains future warriors. (He's a Sensi at the local dojo.)

So there is the basic list of characters. I'm sure that more will enter over the next few days.


Lisa Russell said...

LOL- welcome to blogland. I hope you enjoy the voyeurism of it all. I can't wait to see more!

Me said...

Well, Mrs. March, I've found you too. Mrs. Hannigan had a link to your blog, and after reading her running water troubles, I figured you must be the other mommy she was speaking of.

I'll be checking back often. Can't wait to get caught up on how the girls are doing.