Saturday, April 26, 2008


Tonight we celebrated Passover with our family and friends. This is a very special night for us. Everyone brings food to share and like any good potluck there were too many delicious choices.

Passover is an important time of remembrance. We remember that we were once slaves and we have been set free. We remember that God is our provider and give thanks for his provision. This year we also remembered my foster brother Omar. Omar passed away this year at the age of 31.

Passover is also a time of teaching. We are commanded to teach our children the truths of the seder. We are commanded to teach our children of the miracles that God did when he brought his people out of Egypt. There were fifteen children under the age of 11 at passover this year. Our family is growing! The youngest were a beautiful set of twins girls who came a month early just so they wouldn't miss this big event. Thanks Deb and Abraham for bringing all of your little ones to play!

Each year at Passover someone is chosen for a special inheritance. This is a custom that is kinda special for our family. It began the year my dad gave my mom a second wedding ring. The diamond was an inheritance from his mother given with the blessings of his father after Grandma had died. Grandpa told dad that he felt mom should have it. The following year it was my sister in law. My brother proposed to her at passover and gave her her wedding ring. The following year it was my husband. He got a gold coin. Then it was my brother's turn. Then it was Josh's turn. Josh was home on leave and returned to the Marines shortly after passover. He is still serving and we are very proud of him. Anyway, last night it was MY TURN! Yeah! I got a beautiful pair of amethyst and diamond earrings. (Amethyst are my birth stone. So I was born in___) Thanks mom and dad! Who's next year?

I hope you all have a wonderful Passover as well.

1 comment:

deblara said...

i enjoyed spending yet another Passover with your family this year. i'm enjoying reading the posts on your blog as well as Mrs. Hannigan. thanks for your friendship :o)